Symposium SB01: Electrifying Biomaterials—Frontiers of Biohybrid Devices
Symposium X—MRS/The Kavli Foundation Frontiers of Materials

Symposium EN10: Critical Materials for Energy—Extraction, Functionality and Recycling

Marie Bermeo, Lund University

Semiconductor Nanowire-supported Palladium Nanocatalysts 
Written by In Young Park 

Nanocatalysts, combining the benefits of homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, have emerged as powerful tools in catalysis. Bermeo offers a novel nanocatalyst platform which utilizes palladium (Pd) nanoparticles supported by semiconductor gallium phosphide (GaP) nanowires, leveraging the nanowires’ structure to reduce nanoparticle aggregation and maximize active site exposure. Pd facilitates key reactions like hydrogenation, while GaP enhances nanoparticle dispersion and biocompatibility, creating a synergistic effect. The fabrication process involves nanowire synthesis via metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy and spark ablation for particle generation. These versatile techniques allow precise control over the nanowire morphology and particle features such as composition, density and particle size. These nanocatalysts demonstrate superior turnover frequency (TOF) and optimized styrene formation, with future research focusing on reducing particle synthesis time and elucidating the nanowire’s role in catalytic mechanisms. 


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