2024 MRS Spring Meeting Best Poster Awards
May 10, 2024
Selected by the Meeting Chairs on the basis of the poster’s technical content, appearance, graphic excellence and presentation quality (not necessarily equally weighted).
Tuesday poster winners: Di Zhang, Los Alamos National Laboratory (EL06.03.09), Tomiko M Suzuki, Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. (EN09.04.08), Ana Paula Kitos Vasconcelos, University of Washington (MF03.04.02), Jianan Shen, Purdue University (MT03.03.05), and Hyunjin Lee, Seoul National University, Institute for Basic Science (SB08.05.06).
Wednesday poster winners: Caitlin V McCowan, Sandia National Laboratories (EL01.06.17), Hyeonjeong Sun, Hanyang University (EL04.08.08), Grace Rome, Colorado School of Mines, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (EN05.10.03), Zhiliang Pan, Vanderbilt University (EN07.10.11), Prajwal Laxmeesha, Drexel University (QT02.07.06), and Yongyi Zhao, Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (SB11.07.07).
Thursday poster winners: Jaeyeong Ha, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (EL02.08.11), Jingxuan Wang, National University of Singapore (EN07.15.02), Menghang (David) Wang, Harvard University (MT01.09.14), and Zhi Zhang, Peking University (SB04.11.32).