Poster awards
December 06, 2013
At this year's MRS, poster sessions were held for 4 days (from Monday to Thursday, Dec 2-5). On each day, posters were showcased 3 hours for judges and another 3 hours for attendees.
The posters were submitted to all symposiums so attendees were blessed to learn from research posters with excellent depth and breadth.
In addition to oral presentations, posters are another great way to deliver one's research to other scientists and I often find it very useful to present my work in posters because I can have more intimate interactions with the audience and get a lot valuable feedback for future studies.
To recognize best posters of each session, MRS selected the following students best poster winners of 2013 Fall Meeting for their posters. Congratulations to all!
There are some local winners in there (MIT and BU). That's pretty sweet! I am a little sad, though, that neither of my own institutions (Cornell and PSU) are represented.
Posted by: Trevor Goff | December 06, 2013 at 02:55 PM