MRS Chapters Networking
December 06, 2013
Dear MRS 2013 Fall Meeting Blog Readers,
This year it was an important year for MRS-UTDallas members since we just started few months ago as a new chapter. And I found great the opportunities that the MRS organizers gave us to interact with other officer chapter members. There are two main events for that: the special gathering at President's Suite (Meet MRS leaders, Meeting Chairs and Plenary Speaker) and the MRS Student Chapter Representative Luncheon. As the president of the MRS-UTDallas chapter, I got the opportunity to attend all these events (on December 2nd and December 4th, respectively) and I thought some of you would like to know what does it happen there.
The special gathering (picture below) occurs just before the Plenary Seminar, moment at which the representatives of the new chapters are called on stage to receive the recognition of a newly inducted MRS University Chapter. The gathering was really great for networking and I exchange cards with all student chapters members that were there. It was quite informal, like a reception party. Also MRS leaders were there and we got the opportunity to talk with them.
Special gathering for networking: MRS chapter officers interacting with other chapters and MRS leaders.
The MRS Student Chapter Representative Luncheon (picture below) is a more formal event coordinated by Lorri Smiley and Yuri Gogotsi. This year chapter representatives from US, Germany and Mexico were represented. The agenda of the event included: MRS welcomes the new MRS Univeristy chapters, presentation of due dates for reports and opportunities of fundings, MRS chapters representatives mentioned the best practices of activities from their respective chapters and a T-shirt contest.
MRS Student Chapter Representative Luncheon, left to right: Orlando Auciello (MRS president and one of MRS-UTDallas chapter advisors), Mohammad Hassan (MRS-University of Alberta chapter), Erika Fuentes (MRS-UTDallas chapter Web Officer), Reginaldo Muccillo (SBPMat representant), Monica Jung de Andrade (MRS-UTDallas President) and Jonathan Reeder (MRS-UTDallas Secretary).
This MRS 2013 Fall meeting we had two international chapters in the T-shirt competition: Chapter from University of Cologne (MRS-EMRS Joint Chapter) and CINVESTAV (MRS-Sociedad Mexicana de Materiales Joint Chapter). And both of them were awarded with prize, together with the winning T-shirt from Boston University. This is an example on how diverse the MRS chapters are becoming. As stated from MRS President, "there is indeed an effort from MRS to start doing more joint chapters together with organizations from different countries, especially from Latin America".
Thank you again MRS for organizing these great opportunities for networking among MRS Student Chapter Representatives! A special thank you for the Academic Affairs Committee for their support on such activities. Networking is not about just connecting people, it is also building relationships to connect ideas and opportunities.
Great post. It's cool to see the leaders of MRS making an effort to get to know the student leaders of MRS. It won't be long before these students are running the show.
Posted by: Trevor Goff | December 06, 2013 at 01:32 PM