Member Engagement Committee - Special Recognition at MRS 2013 Fall Meeting
December 07, 2013
Dear Blog Readers,
Many of you might not know all the activities that the Member Engagement Committee has been doing and as a volunteer of this committee this year I had the opportunity to be more aware of its activities when I participated at their meeting (image below). This committee headed by Yves Chabal and Michele L. Feder is devoted to membership engagement and volunteerism, with special focus to professional development and networking of minorities.
Member Engagement Committee meeting during MRS 2013 Fall Meeting in Boston.
The very active leaders of the subcommittees of Diversity, headed by Magaly Spector, and Women in Materials Science & Engineering, headed by Dawnielle Farrar, have been awarded this year with the Woody Award in recognition to their extraordinary contributions as volunteer at these subcommittees (image below).
Woody Award recognition (during Plenary Session at MRS 2013 Fall Meeting) to Magaly Spector and to Dawnielle Farrar for their extraordinaly example of volunteers for the society.
Among their activities it can be cited: mentoring programs, workshops, special breakfast and outreach activities. This year there was a special meeting that I also was able to participate headed by Michele Feder to focus on Post docs and how MRS could benefit/serve them. It was great to be heard on that opportunity and to know that MRS starts to pay attention in our issues. Thus, if you are a Post doc like me, I can antecipate that there will be changes for us, probably special activities trough the Career Center and possible decrease on membership fee. Thank you again MRS!
For those who want to volunteer at the Member Engagement Committee or other committee you can complete the Volunteer Profile Form (available at and contact Michele L. Feder.
“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” (Charles Dickens)
I will certainly go to the next one :)
Posted by: Marcio | December 09, 2013 at 12:31 AM
Thank you so much for this post Monica! Excellent reporting! This is a wonderful award for two of our exceptional volunteers!
Posted by: Lorri Smiley | December 09, 2013 at 07:47 PM
I could not leave these facts out of the blog, Lorri: it is great to see these extraordinary examples of women in STEM being recognized as exceptional volunteers! Inspiration for young generations.
Posted by: Monica Jung de Andrade | December 09, 2013 at 08:33 PM