Some more Sydney things
July 29, 2008
Just wanted to share some pictures of the Blue Mountains and the Taronga Zoo. There are some beautiful lookouts at the Blue Mountains for pictures. This picture is of the Three Sisters rock formation with the Jameson Valley in the background. The Blue Mountains get their name from the blue haze that you can see in the picture. This blue haze is the result of eucalyptus tree oils in the atmosphere.
At the Taronga Zoo, they have about every animal you can imagine. As we are in Australia though, they have a number of koala and kangaroo exhibits. Even though koalas sleep most of the day, we were able to g et some of them moving about. Additionally, the Taronga Zoo has some of the best views of Sydney that we have seen so far. Here is a picture that we took showing the opera house, Harbour Bridge, and downtown Sydney.