It was indeed a great honor for me to join the women in materials science & engineering cohort for breakfast today where we heard a wonderful talk by Cynthia Volkert, Vice-President, MRS on 'Role of Professional Societies in Promoting Women'. The room was filled with enthusiastic women, lavish breakfast and yes, we also did have a good amount of participation from men who held high offices at MRS.
This breakfast was an unique and an humbling moment for me. The talk included almost two decades of statistical reports on women participation in various aspects of the organization. It was overwhelming to hear that the participation percent was 21%, close to the target and I'm sure with the surge of women PhD's in recent years we would soon reach the dream 50%. As a woman myself I was blissful and content of this paradigm shift of woman empowerment and I truly believe that this shift would continue for years to come!
After the presentation got over the floor was open for discussion. We heard some good strategies for encouraging women to take up challenging positions at the Materials Research Society from many people in the room, among them were past MRS Presidents Howard E. Katz and Merrilea J. Mayo. Issues such as child and elder care, calls for nominations, volunteering effort, mentoring symposium organizers, writing nomination letters and networking were discussed. It was particularly interesting to hear from TMS President, Mr Robert D. Shull who suggested conveying the message to the male members in the scientific society, them being part of the problem. Overall, it was great to see the participation from young women faculty as well as graduate students raising their concerns. I even grabbed an opportunity to speak with Dr. Volkert to discuss strategies of advocating awareness among women engineers in MRS university chapters through outreach events and brochures.